On Nov. 23, 2008, the United States Postal Service will require all standard presort mail to meet its newly revised standards for Move Update. This is a change the postal service hopes will significantly reduce the amount of mail that is undeliverable as addressed, which they say will lower their costs.
Currently, standard presort mailings are not required to adhere to any Move Update rules, but first-class presort mailings are. However, the change will affect both classes of mail because the standards themselves are changing, the most significant difference being in the minimum frequency of Move Update processing. Today, Move Update processing must be done at most 185 calendar days before a mailing, but under the new standard that period will be shortened to 95 calendar days. This means that on Nov. 23, all presorted mailings must have been processed for Move Update no more than 95 days previously.
For the mailing customer, the new rules combined with the requirement for standard presort mailings to comply can potentially mean more effective mailing campaigns, because fewer pieces will be wasted as undeliverable mail.
For more detailed information, check out the USPS press release on Move Update here: http://www.usps.com/mailpro/2008/janfeb/page4.htm
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