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  • Suggested Reading from a Girl Scout

    This “how to” article on stamp collecting was brought to our attention by a Girl Scout troop leader who learned of it from one her enthusiastic troop members. Lauren is earning her Stamp Collecting Badge and wanted to share this with others who find postage stamps fascinating. Thank you, Lauren and Mia, for sending us this useful link more »

    The ‘Save a Tree’ myth

    How did you celebrate Earth Day this year? Did you hear a lot of talk about going paperless and saving trees? I did. And every time I hear a comment like that I feel a little more irritated. Why? Because so many well meaning people have that ‘save a tree’ thing backward. It makes me more »

    Mentions of USPS in pop culture today: Intro

    Seems a little backward to be posting an introduction to this series after an initial post with the “Mentions of USPS in pop culture” title but I just couldn’t wait to get that first post up. There are little flashes of inspiration that hit me all the time but so rarely get acted upon. I more »