United States Postal Service Full Service Approved
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  • USPS Defers Implementation of Full-Service Requirement

    Who didn't see this coming? What's really weird is that if you go to the https://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=intellmaillatestnews for latest Full-Service Intelligent Mail Barcode information, it still has the January 26, 2014 deadline. No word on how long the delay will be. So, we are full service certified but looks like those who have been dragging their feet have a little more time.

    November 29, 2013

    DMM Advisory

    Pricing — keeping you informed about the prices and mailing standards of the United States Postal Service


    Statement to the Mailing Industry – USPS Defers Implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail Requirement for Automation Prices


    The U.S. Postal Service® is disappointed with the portion of last week’s ruling from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) which held that the implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb™) constitutes a rate increase. This ill-conceived decision will impair complete adoption of Full-Service IMb and hinder the Postal Service’s ability to promote a technology that enhances the value of mail, which is critical to the development of next-generation digital products and services. The PRC’s overly expansive view of the price cap demonstrates why comprehensive postal reform legislation should include additional pricing authority for the Postal Service Board of Governors.


    Due to the PRC ruling, the Postal Service is delaying the Jan. 26, 2014, implementation of the Full-Service Intelligent Mail requirement for automation price discounts. Mailers who are not currently enrolled in Full-Service effective Jan. 26, 2014, will still be able to claim automation prices. To achieve the best pricing, however, mailers must continue meeting Full-Service requirements.


    Despite this delay, the Postal Service remains strongly committed to Full-Service adoption for all mailers. The value of Full-Service is well known and helps the mailing community to get the best value-added experience for its mail. The Postal Service will continue moving aggressively to achieve 100 percent visibility in the mail through Full-Service.


    We encourage mailers to contact their Mail Service providers and Software vendors to help transition to Full-Service to get the Full-Service discount prices and access the benefits listed below.


    We have developed an online Intelligent Mail Small Business Tool that enables even the smallest mailers to take the first steps into Full-Service. The tool remains in place and local bulk mail entry units will continue assisting very small customers and provide them information on how they can use the small business tool to prepare mailings to receive automation and Full-Service discount prices.


    Full-Service provides customers with:

    ·         An additional per piece discount on every Full-Service mailpiece.

    ·         Address correction information at no additional cost for Full-Service mailpieces, providing Change of Address (or COA) information and Nixie (or undeliverable-as-addressed) information.

    ·         The ability to track service performance through reports and scan information.

    ·         Container, tray and mailpiece visibility.

    ·         Annual permit fees waived when 90 percent or more of cumulative annual mailings consist of Full-Service mail.

    ·         The opportunity to use the same permit at any location via our Mail Anywhere program.


    # # #

    To learn about the benefits and requirements of Full-Service, visit our RIBBS® website at http://ribbs.usps.gov. Click on Latest News under the Intelligent Mail Services tab to find the latest news on Full-Service – including the simplified process for testing Full-Service mailings. To expedite mailers’ participation in Full-Service, a list of authorized software vendors that have tested their products with the Postal Service can be found on RIBBS/Certifications/eDoc & Full-Service https://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=electronicdoc.

    For questions, contact your local Business Mail Entry Unit or the PostalOne! Help Desk at 1-800-522-9085 or via email at [email protected]. We appreciate your business and look forward to providing information and tools.

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    Anyway, if you have any suggestions for Mail Music Monday right before Thanksgiving (or any mail music tune), please send it to me? Extra points if you can guess the song that gets played on every radio station, every Thanksgiving Day, that mentions mail.

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    Dallas honors President John F. Kennedy


    This is a somber day. 50 years ago the president was killed in Dallas and the city has struggled with the stigma ever since. I admit that I'm impressed with how Dallas is handling this horrible anniversary. When all the hype about the events planned for today was just starting, I thought it was bordering on tacky. Turns out that most of the stuff going on here is respectful and aimed at healing.

    Those of us old enough to remember will never forget where we were when we heard the news that President John F. Kennedy had been shot while riding in his motorcade in Dealey Plaza. Even for those us who did not live in Texas at that time, it was traumatic. After all, countries around the world were so affected by JFK, that they put his face on their postage stamps. That may be why I am surprised that most of the national television stations do not seem to be giving much acknowledgement to this tragic anniversary.

    In hindsight, I now find myself wondering why more isn't happening in recognition of this day in history. I even found myself wondering why there wasn't an acknowledgement under the Google logo on Google.com.

    There will be a ceremony in Dealey Plaza at noon Central Standard Time and I believe some other cities are having a moment of silence at that time. Boston has some remembrance ceremonies scheduled and, of course, President Barack Obama laid a wreath on President Kennedy's grave. But other than a few events like that, I really haven't heard of much else. Perhaps it's for the reasons I stated when I first started this post; maybe publicizing events commemorating an anniversary of this type just seemed tacky?

    It's not that I think the world should revolve around Dallas, but, after making it my home, I truly hope that today brings closure to many who lived here on November 22, 1963 and for the rest of us, as well.

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