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  • USPS and MaxBack Go Green / Get Green

    Shouldn't Every Day Be Earth Day? The Go Green/Get Green program from MaxBack.com is supported by specially marked kiosks, located in more thank 3,100 post offices. It's use of a QR code to bring customers directly to a mobile site, where they can find the estimated value of an old device, enables people to take enough steps to make the decision to grab a return bag, follow through and go green with the program.

    Earth Day reminds us to be conscientious about how to care for the planet we live on so that future generations can enjoy healthy living. The U.S.P.S. is one of the most environmentally conscious organizations in the United States and this video highlights one of the ways it's making it easier for all of us to be Earth friendly.

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    Mail Music Monday Better Together

    This is such a happy, mellow, mail music tune from Jack Johnson. It from his “In Between Dreams” album and I'm so glad that Jamie McLennan suggested it. I think it's the perfect song to listen to when one needs a break from all the hustle and bustle — it just takes me on a relaxing little mental vacation.

    I was going to save it for Valentine's week but I like it too much to wait. If you're on Twitter, you should follow Jamie (@Jamieprints) for all things print and a whole lot of fun. He's the real deal, no robotic auto-tweets. He's also a regular at #printchat, which is hosted on Twitter by Deborah Corn of PrintMediaCentr.com, on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. EST. If you're a graphic designer, marketer, printer,  or presort mailer, you should join us because, like music and Mondays, and like the song says, “It's always better when we're together!”

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    Mail Music Monday before Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day

    Oh, if only I could have found a song that would not take us back to the days of stereotyped roles for women and men. This is the only one I could find that I could connect to mail and to Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day. If you ever have a mail music suggestion, please send it my way — as you can clearly see I need lots of help.

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