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  • Mail Music Monday for Mom’s Who Rock

    This mail music song is dedicated to my mom. Probably one of the reasons that I can't imagine a world without music is due to the fact that my mom loves music. Growing up, there was always music. Some of the music she played herself on guitar or ukulele. We sang folk songs like “Puff the Magic Dragon” and “Froggy Would a Wooing Go.” Or Beatles tunes like “Rocky Raccoon.”

    I remember the excitement when we got a new station wagon that had an 8 track player! Road trips were even more fun now that we could sing along with our favorite bands.

    These days, I'll get a phone call, “Cammie, I just heard a good song for Mail Music Monday.” I'll grab my pen or iPhone and take down the details. This is one of the songs suggested by Mom and it's perfect for the day after Mother's Day. Let this one get rollin' and you'll definitely be rockin'. I hope you'll love it and I hope you'll share your favorite ‘mom music memories' with me. Until then, like Ruth Brown says, this little girl's gone rockin'.

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    6 Responses to “Mail Music Monday for Mom’s Who Rock”

    1. Uncle Johnny says:

      Ah yes, she’s my Rockin’ Big (little) Sis! She taught me the magic of music along with Mom and Dad. And she knew how to boogie-woogie, too.

      • Cam Swegman says:

        Hey, Uncle Johnny, she still does! As do you. I remember more than one sing-a-long with you and mom and other friends. ‘s when I learned to love the Four Seasons, Beach Boys, and Peter, Paul & Mary. So much fun dancing in the kitchen, too!

    2. Paul Bobnak says:

      Very cool … and cool idea.

      Growing up, my mom always made sure we were listening to music. We had a piano – my brother played – and were always listening to records or the radio. She was a little sad when Elvis (“Return to Sender”)Presley died, and still says she knew it was going to happen because of how he sounded just a few months beforehand.

      • Cam Swegman says:

        Paul, thanks so much for your comment. My mom got a little heartache Aug 16, 1977, too. Actually, so did I. Sounds like lots of musical fun at your house. I look forward to more of your Mail Music Monday tips!

    3. MOM! says:

      YOU GO GIRL!
      LOVE YOU!