Okay, so really, any song by this band qualifies for Mail Music Monday, if only because of it’s name. I chose it today because The Postal Service is actually playing in Grand Prairie, TX and this song also mentions mail — kind of a triple play. According to wikipedia, this is how the band more »
Yes, it’s finally come to this. I’m surprised that it’s suddenly making the mainstream news as it’s been proposed for years. It looks like it may actually happen in August of this year — 2013. When it first came to my attention I was shocked at the varied response of the mailing industry. My fellow more »
This just cracks me up! I think that because it also busts the perception of the Postal Service as a stuffy, quasi-government agency makes this video especially amusing. Another thing I found highly amusing; at about the 45 second mark I thought, “Oh! Hello, NEWman.” I can feel that afternoon slump creeping up on more »