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  • Mail Music Monday disagrees with Morrissey

    Man, I love rock. All kinds of rock. I especially like the kind of high energy, in your face, raw punk brandished by The Ramones. So here's a mail music song to get your week off to a rockin' start.

    To me, a song doesn't have to be so perfected that it becomes homogenized. It just needs to make you feel something. How can anyone not want to pogo when they hear The Ramones? I mean, seriously, what does it take to make you want to jump up and down?

    While researching this piece, I also learned (and how I never heard this before, I just don't know) about where The Ramones got their name. Extra points to you if you know the answer.

    A young Morrissey once called The Ramones a “band of degenerate no talents“. Really? What do you think? Do you agree with the 17 year old Morrissey or are you like me and think world of music is rocks that much harder for having The Ramones in it?


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    Mail Music Monday on a Picture Postcard Perfect Day

    Come on everybody, sing along this Mail Music Monday with Phineas and Ferb! Here in Dallas it might be 103 degrees but sitting in my air conditioned office, looking out the window, it's picture postcard perfect day.

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    Last Mail Music Monday in July celebrating ZIP Code 50th Birthday

    Well, believe it or not, I found several songs in my search for mail music mentioning “ZIP Code”. The majority of them are gangsta rap and quite a few are country flavored. But I decided we'd end this month long celebration with a little comedy. So for today's Mail Music Monday I bring you Weird Al Yankovic's “Fat”.

    Half a century is kind of a big deal, and this being the last Mail Music Monday of the month long 50th Birthday celebration, I just might post a couple more ZIP Code songs on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ipresort Let me know if you have a Mail Music Monday song that mentions ZIP Code and I'll see if I can squeeze it into the playlist.

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