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  • Mail Music Monday before Halloween 2013

    Today is the Mail Music Monday before Halloween so here's a treat, “Aloha from Hell” by the Cramps. I love rockabilly and these guys and gals know how to camp it up. I had the pleasure of working with a gentleman, by the name of Don Carter, who wrote a song they did.

    Don wrote songs that were performed by many different artists from Jeff Beck (B-I-Bickey-Bi-Bo-Bo-Go) to Jim Reeves (How Can I Write on Paper?). The Cramps did a version of his song “Rockin' Bones” that I really like.

    Don told me a great story about going out to a Cramps show to hear them do his song. Now, keep in mind that Don looked like a gentle country boy — well, he was at least 50 when they did his song, so not really a ‘boy' but he was very country. He said that The Cramps treated him like he was royalty. Said they were some of the nicest people he ever met. Remembering that story makes me smile, thanks for letting me share it, and this perfect Halloween mail music song with you.

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    2nd to last Mail Music Monday for National Stamp Collecting Month

    Who doesn't like Cake? I love it — the food and the band — so here's Frank Sinatra for the 4th mail music tune I could find relating to National Stamp Collecting Month.

    I'm traveling and trying to write this Mail Music Monday post on my iPad. I hope you enjoy this. And, if you have a suggestion for the final October Mail Music Monday tune, please send it my way? Thanks!

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    Mail Music Monday is still celebrating National Stamp Collecting Month

    Another great song for National Stamp Collecting Month! I'm From Barcelona's “Collection of Stamps” fits the bill nicely. In fact, I don't think that there's a better fit out there for a Mail Music Monday in October, do you? If you think you have one better, I'd love to hear it and if you know where this band got it's name, that'll get ya extra brownie points.

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