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  • Mathematical Mail Music Monday

    Was beginning think I would fail the challenge but I finally found a Mail Music video that ties together the theme of today's Google Doodle celebrating the birthday of Leonhard Euler and is also mail related. Whew!

    The math connection is obvious but would love for you to leave a comment on this post stating how this song is mail related. As always, thanks for listening and sharing.

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    Mail Music Monday: We Used to Wait

    I was so excited to get this suggestion from a friend I met on Twitter, Paul Bobnak (@PaulBobnak). Why? Well, because I often wonder if anyone else is really appreciating the Mail Music posts and this tells me that, ‘Yes, there are folks out there enjoying it that I may not ever realize are doing it.'

    Also, I really like this song and this band who's front men are a couple, Win Butler and Régine Chassagne. Win Butler actually grew up just a few miles from here. I love to see local musicians and when they actually find acceptance on the world stage it gives me a kind of weird pride.

    Another really cool thing about this song is that in 2010 it was used in a special Google Chrome experiment called “The Wilderness Downtown.” It was part of Arcade Fire's “The Suburbs” tour interactive campaign that let you create a postcard to your younger self. That would also trigger a video and the whole interactive experience didn't end online. It was truly a multi-channel marketing campaign in that you would create your personalized postcard and video and then the postcards were shown on a screen during Arcade Fire performances.

    And the experience didn't end there. Some postcards were then mailed at random and when recipients got them they were instructed to plant them and trees would grow. Now how cool is that?

    I really wish that I'd received a postcard but, alas, I did not. If you did, I'd really love to hear about it. Or, if you're a fan of Arcade Fire or Mail Music Monday or have a suggestion for mail music, please let me know in the comments. And once again, thanks to Paul for listening and suggesting this really good song! If you're on Twitter, you should probably follow him as he's obviously into some pretty cool stuff.


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    Mail Music Monday celebrates Spring!

    One of the best things about Mail Music Monday is finding out about bands that I might not ever have heard of, otherwise. In my search for an appropriate song to celebrate the beginning of Spring, I came across River City Extension. They've evidently been out there for awhile but I have just discovered them. “Letter to Lainie” is the perfect song as it mentions a “letter” and a “postcard” and coming out of winter into Spring. I like the upbeat tempo and should this band ever play at a venue near me, I hope I can hear them live.

    I hope I've introduced some music to you that you like and might not have heard of, too. Thanks for listening and, as always, if you have a suggestion for Mail Music Monday I'd love to hear it.

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