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  • Mail Music Monday takes a Labor Day “Holiday”

    Love Weezer and reading about this song, I think it has to do with Rivers Cuomo's influencers (Hmm, little red squiggly line under “influencers”. Didn't Klout make that into a real word? Oh, well, I digress).

    Many people get to take a little vacation on Labor Day. I do not get to take many vacations but I love getting postcards from my friends who do.

    I am always happy and impressed with myself when I find a song I really like, by a band I really like, that pertains to a current event and is appropriate for Mail Music Monday. I hope you love it as much as I that you will share it and if you have a favorite Mail Music tune or Weezer song, I'd love to see it in a comment. Hope you're having a Happy Labor Day and thanks for listening with us.

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    Mail Music Monday “talkin’ bout in Mexico”

    We have been soooo busy these past couple  of weeks, and as much as we prefer that to the alternative, a vacation sure sounds nice. Maybe someplace with a slower pace like, say, Mexico?

    James Taylor puts my mind in a mellow state so I think I'll just share my mental vacation with all of you. Yeah, I'm a giver. So just ease back in your desk chair and close your eyes. Then let Sweet Baby James sing you away before the week really gets cranking. And, as always, thanks for listening and sharing Mail Music Monday.

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    The Lemonheads have been around since 1986. Founded by Evan Dando and his school chums Ben Deily and Jesse Peretz. Wikipedia says that they played their first gig on Aug 19, 1986. But the band’s own website says the band wasn’t even formed until late winter of 1986. Still, this being August 19, I decided that this would be perfect for today’s Mail Music Monday.

    I like that the lyrics, “I notice my postcard in a pile” speak to the longevity of tangible mail. And I like that Gibby Haynes inspired and produced Evan Dando’s cover album, Varshons.

    Gibby is an interesting character who’s dad was the host of a local Dallas children’s show. The more you know about Gibby Haynes, the more interesting that last piece of information is. I would love if someone could find a mail music tune from one of Gibby’s bands. If you do, even if it’s NSFW, please send it to me.

    Also, if you're a regular follower of Mail Music Monday, thanks for starting your week with me.

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